Drinking Water Map android app

Drinking Water Map is an Android app that helps you find drinkable water sources near you.

This free app uses public OpenStreetMap data to display a map with water sources marked.

  • You can center the map to your current GPS location.
  • The app will remember your last viewed location when you restart it.
  • Tapping on a water source will open its location in another map app, such as Google Maps.
Get it on Google Play




  • Integrated Firebase analytics.


  • Target Android 14 (API level 34) to comply with Play store policy.


  • Add: Tutorial on how to contribute data to OSM.
  • Improve: If a localized (name:LANG=*) tag is available but a non-localized (name=*) tag isn’t available, show a localized name. Preference is given to the tag that matches the default system language, if it exists.


  • Fix: Banner ad now hidden when drawer opens to comply with AdMob policy.


  • Add: When in the EEA, show option to modify/revoke targeted ads consent to comply with GDPR.


  • Button to share/send the app to a friend.
  • Theme color set explicitly to be blue.
  • Added snackbars.


  • Pins that are close together are now shown clustered.
  • Added a help screen explaining all the buttons.
  • Added icons to the app’s main menu.
  • Fixed an issue with animation between screens.


  • Request user consent for admob to comply with GDPR.
  • Add link in menu to find more apps like this from the same developer.


  • Shows more water sources.
  • New button to switch view between street map and aerial/satellite map.
  • New button to orient the view to the north.
  • Updated the map component to the latest version.


  • Display map with drinkable water sources from public OpenStreetMap data.
  • Can center map to the current GPS location.
  • Restarting the app takes the view to the last viewed location.
  • Tapping on a water source opens the location of the source in another map app (e.g. Google Maps).
  • See the about page for copyrights, license and disclaimers.

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